What is being referred to as the Great Resignation of 2021 has left businesses of all sizes with open positions that need to be filled. Last year, over 47 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs. Still today, there are 10.7 million job openings in the U.S.

With so much movement in the job market, it can be difficult to hire and retain the right talent. Not only that — it can be time-consuming and costly. According to Indeed, it costs $4,000 to $20,000 to hire a new employee.

Taking your time and making sure a candidate is the right fit for your company can be overwhelming, but we can help make it a little easier. All USLI and Devon Park Specialty customers and policyholders have access to our Business Resource Center, which is a hub of free and discounted resources for a variety of topics that are pertinent to business owners.

Some of the services include payroll and tax services, a human resources hotline, promotional and web marketing tools and more. Within the human resources area, we offer resources that will help you during every step of the recruiting and hiring process.

In a job market like this, it’s crucial to be prepared so you can find the best people for your open positions. That’s why we’ve included the following resources:

  • Discounted Caliper profile, which is an in-depth assessment to help employers make informed hiring decisions
  • Free and discounted background checks
  • Recruiting and interviewing training videos

Our training videos will be especially helpful as you prepare to conduct interviews with job candidates. The modules are on the following topics:

When you’re selling a USLI or Devon Park Specialty policy, remember to share how much value the Business Resource Center will add to your client’s business. No matter how much help they might need with recruiting and hiring, they’re sure to benefit from our offerings.

As always, thank you for your support and business.