Consider the last sales manager your company hired: Were they at one time your superstar salesperson? Did your company recruit them for their impressive prior sales results?

Chances are the answer to both questions is yes.

Many companies promote their top salespeople into leadership roles believing they will be naturally great at coaching and developing other salespeople. However, this can result in sales managers failing to receive the training they need as they transition into leadership.  

At USLI, we understand that simply being a strong salesperson does not mean a person will be a strong leader, so in 2019 we launched our Sales Management Program. This program is designed to provide sales managers — or anyone leading a sales team — with assistance in developing salespeople, setting measurable goals, building a sales strategy and holding salespeople accountable to those goals.

Cathy Pagano, Director of the Sales Management Program, provides consultative sales management support in an effort to improve clarity around sales goals and procedures, increase sales results and develop a stronger sales team. The program is collaborative, with frequent communication and regular progress checks, and offered for up to two years at no cost to approved USLI customers. Please contact Cathy Pagano to learn more.