Monday morning rolls around, and you log in to your email; after you eyeball to see if anything is a top priority, you review your calendar to see what is upcoming for the week. You’ve got a few videoconference calls that will require some heavy preparation. Other than the calls, your week is balanced, and it looks like you’ll be able to take advantage of some free time to get ahead on projects. You log in to USLI University and pick up where you left off with our learning offering.

According to Forbes and LinkedIn, 93% of employees would stay at their company longer if they had more support and access to resources to better their careers. In addition, leaders cited that 57% of their workforce needed to develop these skills: leadership, communication and time management. With this insight, how can USLI help you?

As an appointed customer, you have access to USLI University’s learning resources and educational materials — at no cost! Degree programs, webinars, on-demand programs and individual modules are only a few clicks away. Whether you’re in a leadership, sales, underwriting, account management or customer service representative role, we have a program for you! Explore our offerings:

Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive program or a way to develop specific skills, USLI University has the resources to aid in your educational path. Contact us today for more information on how to get started.