When we give something our all and truly commit, we can do hard things. Imagine if you were to embrace the same mindset with your physical, mental and emotional health. What would you be able to achieve?
Our hope for you is that you can be all in for your health, and we’re excited to announce our 2023 Renewed You Wellness Challenge starting on January 9. The theme will be All In, and this 14-week program will encourage giving 100% so you can be the best version of yourself. This is not just a fitness challenge — this is a program for anyone, anywhere who is looking to improve all aspects of their health.
We have an inspriational group of fitness professionals that modifies this program year after year so each person, regardless of where they are in their journey, remains engaged and motivated to reach their goals. Each week, you will receive new tasks that focus on nutrition, movement and mindset. Our professionals will be there along the way to offer guidance while reminding you of the importance of the “all in” mindset. You can even invite family members, friends or colleagues to join the challenge and encourage each other along the way.
Also, our appointed customers who complete the challenge in its entirety will be entered into a drawing to win a grand prize of a $2,000 American Express gift card, and we will randomly select five winners.
As you look forward to what you want to accomplish in 2023, I encourage you to consider your health. How you feel each day is incredibly important for your overall well-being and success, both personally and professionally. When you are prepared and feel good, you can push through many challenges in life. I hope you will register and commit to being all in.
Warm regards,