“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones … it does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.” —Confucius

This quote speaks volumes to the importance of focusing on consistency, regardless of the size of the stone you are moving. Creating change and building action into your life starts with one small decision. This creates your foundation, and from that foundation, you can create progress with the choices you make over time.

Look at it this way: You don’t become a writer the day your book is published, just like you don’t become a runner the day you finish a race. In both instances, you have to start somewhere. It’s that willingness to take the first step, along with the accumulation of daily action, that will help you reach your goals.

Whether this is your first step or you are already making strides in your health and wellness journey, we invite you to register for our 13th annual Renewed You Wellness Challenge — Power in Progress.

This 14-week, all-encompassing wellness program will help you commit to being the best version of yourself by building small, sustainable habits and celebrating the journey, one forward step at a time. Each week, you will be given one healthy habit to work on within the following categories: move, eat, live and inspire. These weekly intentions will help you make progress in all aspects of health and wellness.

The challenge is simple, and the tasks are small, but they will challenge your level of consistency. Additionally, our team of fitness and wellness specialists will provide you with weekly resources and motivation, including educational articles, two weekly strength-based workout videos, and raffle prizes drawn throughout the challenge. Best of all, if you complete at least one task each week for the 14 weeks, you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a $2,000 American Express gift card!

You can register as an individual or as a team for an extra layer of accountability. While it will not impact your chances of winning the grand prize, we encourage you to sign up with friends, family members or co-workers and uncover the benefit that working on a team can provide. Having others to keep you motivated and focused can be a great way to stay consistent and remind you to show up even when you don’t feel like it.

Remember: Small, purposeful strides lead to big results. There is power in progress.

Take the first step with us. Register today!