Who comes to mind when you think of the top performers at your company? Those people likely share a mix of both hard and soft skills.

Hard skills are measurable technical competencies that are learned through on-the-job training and experience. Soft skills, now more commonly referred to as power skills, are interpersonal and social skills that impact how well you work with others. They may be innate personality traits or characteristics learned passively through life experience.

Power skills such as communication, collaboration, creative problem-solving, adaptability and teamwork come more naturally to some than others; however, these skills can be strengthened with intention and practice. And there is a huge benefit to doing so, as strong power skills can positively impact individual, team and company results.

USLI University’s three schools offer many opportunities to develop your hard skills and power skills.

  1. Check out our School of Insurance Training and Development to explore hard skills topics, such as COPE (construction, occupancy, protection, exposure), property valuation and employment practices liability.
  2. Our School of Sales and School of Leadership and Professional Development have many offerings for power skills topics, such as listening skills, time management and effective presentation skills.  

As a directly appointed customer of USLI, you have access to all of our learning and development programs at no cost. All you need is your USLI username and password.

What are you waiting for? Visit USLI University online today to get started.